- Tone test record of pure sine wave scanned with IRENE 2D
- Pristine lacquer master disc of Creedence Clearwater Revival scanned with IRENE 2D
- Aged and damaged wax cylinder from circa 1980 fortune teller machine
- Edison cylinder stylus transfer
- Same Edison cylinder IRENE 3D transfer
- Wax cylinder from Ishi collection UC Berkeley, stylus transfer
- Same cylinder IRENE transfer with high frequency noise reduction
- Broken shellac disc
- Voice of A.G. Bell, wax disc
- Early disc recording master 1881 A.G.Bell
- Claire de la Lune sung in 2008 by children’s chorus
- Claire de la Lune recorded 1860 on Phonautograph, earliest recording of a human voice
- Edison tin-foil cylinder 1878, musical segment